I watched the apprentice last night. It's a great show. And I think it was great to see all the blokes were wearing ties. It seems that appearance is something Lord Sugar takes seriously. And it was interesting that the chairman gave the evential fire'ee an early rebuke for not sitting at the boardroom table in the expected manner!
Of course many argue that the current trend to be tie-less is fine. In a Linkedin discussion group the very learned Chartered Management Institute are giving this topic more air time than any other - much to to the chagrin of the discussion group moderator!
Early contributors show their support for open-necked business - obviously they are leaders rather than followers -even adding the odd endorsement for jeans (designer of course) to show just how "trendy" they are. Latterly the traditionalists are fighting back. Defending all that is right in "appropriate dress." I am of that persuasion. A belief no doubt instilled by many detentions at St Clement-Danes GS for not wearing the mandatory school cap! And subsequently reaffirmed in my equally impressionable years as a sales trainee by Borden and Bussey's training film message to VIP your way in!
But appearance does count. As colleagues Keith (ex-army) and Carl discovered when requesting a testimonial from a newly acquired customer. Expecting some praise for their ethical selling style the lady explained that she was encouraged to buy by their clean shoes.
It was of course a post-rationale. The customer hadn't consciously inspected Keith and Carl's shoes before saying yes, but on reflection she realised this was the trigger.
Like most people she is sub-consciously influenced. Signals we don't even notice - especially visual ones - trigger a stored thought in our beliefs system and in turn affect how we make decisions.
And when those decisions involve somebody's recommendations we intuitively ask questions about them and their values first - and the first answer we get back is from what we see.
So lads if we throw off the tie there's the dilemna:
Be consciously observed as "with it! ...modern ...innovative etc."
Or sub-consciously recognised as "inappropriately dressed" ....casual" Or worst of all "a follower!"
So I'll be leaving off the leather overcoat and shades today!
Where's my white shirt and tie?
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