Thursday, 9 July 2009

First edition

I'm not normally given to self-promotion but since this is my inaugural post following this week's launch of the new website I don't think I'll have a better excuse or opportunity. My aim with this blog is to give you regular food for thought and hopefully action too about persuasion. Whether your interest is in improving your public speaking skills or being more successful when pitching your ideas to colleagues or clients, my hope is that your interest is met here. We'll be sharing with you news, tips and advice based on the proven, the current, the speculative, and maybe even the fanciful or irreverant!

And yes.... I have to mention the "credit crunch" or recession, however you are describing it, because like the man said (or woman) - "nothing happens until somebody sells something"

And in tough times when business is there but competition is fiercer there is no better time to raise your game to win - To refresh and refocus your business message and materials. To sharpen your presentation and persuasion skills and your all round influencing fitness levels.

To find out more about the kind of help that we and others can provide, visit us at